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Great Football return match: the MINFOPRA's ladies vs the MINEPIA's ladies

The second friendly meeting of women's football between the Greats Ladies of the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform and the ladies of the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries ended in victory 2 against 1 for MINFOPRA on MINEPIA.

As part of the constitutive  activities marking the 137th  edition of the International  Labour day celebration at the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform, a successful return leg football match took place this 27th April 2023 at the Yaoundé  military stadium.
At the beginning of the first half of the 60 minutes match, the first goal came in from a great lady of MINFOPRA. Pushed by their counterparts, MINEPIA's ladies tried to equalize towards the end of the first half in a penalty shoot out  but they were unfortunately unsuccessful in this attempt. Not giving up but pressing to get an equalizer, the moment finally came during the second half of the match and the amazons of  MINEPIA scored a first goal. The victory was however short lived because, the great ladies of MINFOPRA seized control of the ball again and sent in another goal in the MINEPIA net.
This determinant goal, eventually gave them the upper hand over  the match and they emerged victorious with a total of 2 goals to 1.
It is worth noting that for the occasion of this 137th edition of the International Labour Day organized under the theme “resilience and decent work: working together in the world of work for the improvement of living conditions and social inclusion”, the Minister of the Public Service, and Administrative reform, Joseph LE and the Minister  of livestock, fisheries and animal industries, Dr TAIGA gave the kick off to start the game as a sign of collaboration and synergy between the two ministries.
Also this return leg game was organized following a previous match between the two teams last march 2023 during the weeklong activities marking the celebration of the International Women’s Day.
It will seem that after losing the  last match, the great ladies of MINFOPRA went home and learnt new tactics to up their game and this was evident as they  beat the amazons of MINEPIA in this return leg and went home with the cup and other gifts.


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Chaîne PPBS du MINFOPRA: Les responsables à  l'école de la performance budgétaire.


La salle des conférences du Club MINFOPRA a servi de cadre au séminaire  d'imprégnation à  la Stratégie Nationale de Développement 2020-2030 (SND30), à la formulation des indicateurs et aux normes de présentation et de maturation des projets de la chaîne de responsabilité du MINFOPRA, le lundi 17 avril 2023.

Le Ministère de la Fonction Publique et de la Réforme Administrative (MINFOPRA) veut enregistrer de meilleures performances budgétaire. Voilà à peu près résumé l'objectif strategique du séminaire de renforcement des capacités tenue ce 17 avril 2023 dans la salle des conférences du Club MINFOPRA. Les travaux se sont inscrits dans la continuité de l’amélioration la qualité des services rendus aux usagers.

L’ordre du jour était axé autour de cinq exposés au sujet de:
<<L’élaboration des documents budgétaires>>, <<les contraintes liées à la disponibilité des ressources budgétaires dans la mise en œuvre des programmes au MINFOPRA>>, <<La maturation d’investissement>>, <<la formulation des indicateurs pertinents>>.

Les experts (Économiste, statisticien, Administrateurs) venus du Ministère de l’Economie de la Planification et de l’Aménagement du Territoire, et de l’Institut National de la Statistique ont apporté des éclairages sur des aspects comme les indicateurs à prendre en compte pour évaluer la réussite d’un projet.

Il a été recommandé à toutes les structures de programmer prioritairement les activités inscrites en lignes de référence, en  marge des mesures dites nouvelles; aux responsables d’activités de tenir une fiche de collecte de données permettant de renseigner les extrants attendus et d’assurer la remontée des informations statistiques de façon trimestrielle.
En clôturant ces travaux le MINFOPRA accompagné de ses collaborateurs, s’est dit satisfait des échanges qui ont certainement édifiés l’assistance.



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Publics Administrations: Harmonization and overall performance sought after

The General Strategy of Organization of Public  Administrations (GSOA),  first drafted in 1992 has been revised and  needs to be incorporated in the structural processes of different Public administrations.

In a high level workshop that was chaired by the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform, Joseph LE, yesterday 18th April 2023, at the hotel Relaxe palace, Nkometou,  Secretary generals, Directors and top officials of over 40 administrations and 12 public institutions and decentralized territorial communities, discussed on the  operationalization  of the General strategy for the organization of administrations.
In his opening address for the occasion, Minister Joseph LE emphasized the importance of the workshop which had as objective to permit the ownership  and validation of the principal orientations of the general strategy for the organization of Administrations.
Worthy of note is the fact that, the  new general strategy for organization of public administrations which  is a framing instrument for the structural organization of public administrations aims to contribute to the modernization of public services and serves as a prerequisite for the reform of public finances.
Given the necessity to increase citizen  satisfaction based on the provision of quality public services, the present GSOA was elaborated on the basis of a participative approach following extensive scientific and Administrative studies that took into consideration, numerous exchanges and interviews with public service users.
From the theme "High level workshop on ownership and validation of the general strategy for the organization of administrations", the seminar constituted a singular occasion to ameliorate the GSOA such that it becomes more flexible in line with the expectations of the head of State H.E president Paul BIYA.


Daizy Diane MAFOR


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 MINFOPRA chairs a seminar of stakeholders involved in the state human resources management chain.


 In view of improving the performance of State human resource management, several  mechanisms  have recently  been employed by the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform, Joseph LE to evaluate the processes and procedures employed by actors involved in the chain of State human resource management.

In a seminar that took place today 04th April 2023, at Djeuga Palace Hotel, Joseph LE, Minister of the Public service and Administrative reform chaired a seminar to "assess the performance of ministerial sites with regard to the devolution of the State personnel and payroll management and to review decree No 2012/079 of 09 March 2012 to enshrine the policy".

The seminar which was organized for the sensitization of all ministerial actors  involved in the chain of State human resource management was the occasion to present the results of the study undertaken by a cabinet called OBIV solutions, hired by Minister LE to:

-  evaluate in all deconcentrated sites, the management tools of State human resources put in place by MINFOPRA as well as the appropriation of the reform by technical staff;

- evaluate the operationalisation of computerized applications;

- propose corrective measures where necessary, to guarantee coherence between the judicial and institutional equipment.

According to Minister LE, the outcome of the study discussed today, will help all the aforementioned  actors, evaluate performances in state human resource management and propose recommendations for improvement. This which has become a major asset of public action is very important not only for the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform (MINFOPRA) and the Ministry of Finance (MINFI) but for public service users in terms of quality of services delivered and the deadline of  treatment of documents.

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