Speech from the Minister
- Les Mots Du Ministre
- Hits: 4248
At the dawn of 2018, it has been the tradition, from the speeches made by the Head of State, President of the Republic, as well as from statements by citizens and development partners, that Cameroon Public Administration should change to become a development tool for our country.
It is evident that within the framework of management of State human resources, we should go beyond automatic advancements, improve the system of calculating retirement benefits coupled with the switch over from salary to pre-pension immediately the month following retirement, reduce the processing time of career files or updating of the State personnel and salary database. We intend to optimize the recruitment process in order to provide the State with quality human resources, improve the mapping of duty positions as well as the mastery of the staff strength and wage bill and strengthen the fight against payment for services.
With regards to administrative reform and the modernization of our administration, our main challenges shall focus on popularizing Administrative Procedures Handbooks and Users’ Guide, devolving the management of State human resources, implementing the evaluation system of State employees based on performances and rendering operational the computerized system for the integrated management of Cameroon State human resources and salaries.
Jacque Toubon, a French politician once noted that “The Public Service is no longer different from generic channels, worst still, it is imitating them”. Without any complex, we would like to claim the formula that is considered as golden rule within the business environment, “the customer is king”, to adapt it in the administrative environment and, more specifically to the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform (MINFOPRA), by saying: “AT MINFOPRA, THE USER IS KING”.
This slogan shall constitute a permanent challenge for our central and devolved services that should start rethinking, adjusting and giving their best, to be really at the service of the general interest. In compliance with instructions of the president of the Republic in General Instruction No.2 of 1 October 2002, we have to and wish to “render quality services to users in order to increase their confidence towards the State as well as their participation to the common development goal”. This will be our contribution to Cameroon emergence.
As a result, MINFOPRA wishes to place the satisfaction of its users and partners at the center of its concerns. Throughout the processing chain, which starts from the welcoming and informing users right up to notifying them of their signed instruments, at the various work stations, we want to improve the quality of the services provided and boost the image and the perception of MINFOPRA vis-à-vis the users.
I am personally committed to the attainment of these lofty goals.
Whence the creation of an email address (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) intended to directly receive any grievance, dissatisfaction, particular or general concern. We shall endeavor to answer them as quickly as possible.
Whence the establishment of a regular press briefing on particular themes, likely to enlighten and inform MINFOPRA’s users.
Whence the “redesign” of our website which, we hope, is now less difficult to access and the structure less dense.
Other measures shall follow.
I hope that the implementation of this new dispensation which puts MINFOPRA’s users and generally, all State employees and their beneficiaries, at the center of our interests, shall be done in collaboration with all the partner ministries and especially users from whom we expect constructive inputs and criticisms, in order to move in the right direction.
It is on this note of hope that I am particularly pleased to express to you, on behalf of the great family of the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform, best wishes of peace, health, happiness and prosperity for 2018.
Joseph LE
Madame la présidente, Honorables membres de la commission des finances et du budget...
- Les Mots Du Ministre
- Hits: 23822
Excellence, Monsieur le Ministre, Messieurs les Présidents des Conseils d’Administration de l’ENAM et de l’ISMP, Messieurs les Directeurs Généraux de l’ENAM et de l’ISMP, Mesdames et Messieurs.