Joseph LE visits Centers Prepared for the Oral Phase of 2019 Concours and the Special Recruitment of Translators and Translator-Interpreters.
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Joseph LE visits Centers Prepared for the Oral Phase of 2019 Concours and the Special Recruitment of Translators and Translator-Interpreters.
In conformity with his responsibility as Minister of the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform, Minister Joseph LE went out today, 23/04/2020 to inspect the Centers prepared for the oral phase of over 15 professional concours concerning different corps of the Cameroonian Public service, written in 2019 and the special recruitment of translators and translator – Interpreters.
According to Minister LE, this session is particularly special with respect to the context which is actually an era of global and national fight against the deadly Coronavirus pandemic. Normally, the orals would have taken place in one day and in one center but given the context, this year’s orals have been organized in 6 different centers (ENAM, Lycee Bilingue d’application, Lycee Leclerc, Lycee de Ngoa- Ekele, INJS and CETIC de Ngoa- Ekele) for over 2500 candidates in a period of 6days with over 50 members of jury. With respect to the situation, all the measures prescribed by the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health have been scrupulously respected at every Center. In this light, all those involved in the exercise have been encouraged to put on face mask, use the hydro-alcoholic solutions, wash their hands and respect the social distance space of 1 meter. Also, things have been organized such that, 50 candidates are interviewed per session, in the mornings from 8am to 12 noon and evenings from 1-5pm.
Everything being equal, the MINFOPRA concluded that, the modalities have been well applied and all is going on smoothly but for one candidate who has been held back in the United States of America and cannot make it for the oral session. Exceptionally, he would be interviewed and noted by a special jury via a video conference.
Minister LE officially launches the litigation phase of the Physical Head Count of State Personnel.
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Minister LE officially launches the litigation phase of the Physical Head Count of State Personnel.
In a press Conference that took place today within the Centre for the Reception and Orientation of Public service users, the Minister of the Public service and Administrative Reform officially launched the litigation phase of the physical headcount of State personnel.
The exercise which is pursuant to the physical head count of state personnel carried out by the Ministry of Finance from April to June 2018, is a step by step procedure which would now open with the disciplinary phase for those who were been pinned down during the exercise.
Before this time, a pre- litigation phase was carried out, during which employees who could not take part in the census and those whose census was invalidated for various reasons, were invited to report to MINFI, to justify themselves.
Intense communication was carried out by the Ministry of Finance and now it’s up to the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative reform to proceed with disciplinary measures. According to this order, following article 9 of decree No 78/484 of 9 November 1978 laying down the common provisions applicable to state employee governed by the labor code, various sanctions would follow defaulters, some of which include: either a pay in reinstatement, a warning, a reprimand, a reduction in incremental position, a categorical reduction or dismissal.
At the end of it’s deliberations, the board would make proposals to the authority vested with disciplinary power, in this case, the prime Minister, head of government for category A workers or the Ministry of the Public Service for Category B, C and D workers.
As for civil servants who do not comply with the summons in this operation, they will be , in accordance with the regulations in force, simply dismissed from the State Public Service.
Minster LE noted that out of 9101 files transmitted to his Ministry, those of 335 state employees who don’t fall under the competence of MINFOPRA have been removed. This after consolidation, disciplinary processing were initiated against 8766 persons , including 5045 civil servants and 3721 state employees governed by the labor code.
The names of those concerned have been published on the Ministry’s website,, on radio announcements and on all MINFOPRA regional delegations and other administrations for wide dissemination. After a deadline of 30days those who fail to present themselves at the disciplinary and litigation unit of the Ministry would be dismissed from the Public Service.
In the meantime investigations would proceed within a period of 6 months, after which the exercise would be brought to a close with sanctions as mentioned above.
Minister LE grants audience to the Association of Cameroonian Temporal Teachers of Technical Education (ASCAMIVET).
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Minister LE grants audience to the Association of Cameroonian Temporal Teachers of Technical Education (ASCAMIVET).
In an audience which took place this morning at the 7th floor of the main building of MINFOPRA, Minister Joseph LE and some of his collaborators dialogued with some representatives of the Association of Cameroonian Temporal Teachers of Technical Education (ASCAMIVET).
Amongst others, the over 8 man delegation of ASCAMIVET led by their President, Mr. NGAJEU II NYASIE Eric said, they didn’t come for trouble but to decry their frustrations as temporal teachers of technical education in Cameroon and plead for assistance from the Minister.
Some of these frustrations which range from limited spaces in government concours, too many text which slow their recruitment into the public service, poor salaries in private institutions, deadlines of age limits which make it difficult for them to sit for public exams.
They suggested that the Minister and his collaborators consider increasing their spaces in public concours, they should organize recruitments by batch so everyone can have an opportunity in every batch to sit for the examination, He should help speak with other technical ministries in charge of their sector(MINESUP and MINTP) to consider their degrees. He noted that, in the last recruitments, there were 11000 candidates for only 895 spaces.
In his fatherly response to the Association representatives, Minister LE noted that financial sustainability is the fundamental element that determines the recruitment of state personnel and only hierarchy can determine the quotas of recruitment for each year, based on state budget. Nonetheless, he encouraged the teachers to be optimistic and not lose hope as he and his collaborators were ready to accompany them find solutions to their problems.
Minister Joseph LE inaugurates the Center for The Reception and Orientation of users of the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform.
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Minister Joseph LE inaugurates the Center for The Reception and Orientation of users of the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform.
In conformity with the implementation of the 1756 Norm under the program designated PAAQSU, sponsored by the UNDP and developed by the Agency for the standardization of Norms (ANOR), the Ministry of the Public Service came together earlier in the day to officially inaugurate the house of users.
According to Minister LE, he had a hard time taking note of the poor conditions of the reception of users during his proximity visits to evaluate the state of conditions put in place to manage users of the public service. He therefore expressed great joy with the construction and habilitation of the new center for the reception of pubic service users. Finally, Public service users are Kings.
Indeed, going by the Minister’s declaration, the public service user is now “En haut”. They have constructed for them a beautiful well ventilated building that gives them shelter from the sun, with over 90 well polished chairs, a digital TV Set , a spot for drinking clean water or tea and clean toilets.
It is on this note that the Minister officially declared open, the Center for Reception and Orientation of users.
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- MINFOPRA opens the new year with a Colloquium on the Modernization of the Cameroonian Public Service.
- MINFOPRA grants audience to British High Commissioner to Cameroon
- Meeting with the team of 25000 Young recruited since 2011 that carrers papers haven't been treated