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Modernisation de l’administration publique : le MINFOPRA dote la NASLA de ses manuels de procédures.

Le manuel de procédures administratives ; le manuel de procédures de gestion des ressources humaines et le manuel de procédures de gestion budgétaire, financière et comptable sont les trois documents octroyés à la National Administration School for Local Administration, pour moderniser et optimiser le rendement de ladite institution.

Le Secrétaire Général du Ministère de la Fonction Publique et la Réforme Administrative, Monsieur Maïna Anatole, représentant personnel du Ministre LE présidait la cérémonie dans le petit amphithéâtre de  l'Ecole Nationale d'administration et de Magistrature.

Dans son allocution de circonstance, il a exhorté les responsables de la NASLA de faire bon usage de ces documents qui sont à la fois didactiques et servent de boussole pour l'optimisation du rendement administratif.   Il précise toutefois que ces documents dont l’élaboration a débuté en 2022, sont dynamiques et peuvent subir des modifications en fonction des évolutions. Il est donc question d’en faire l’appropriation et la vulgarisation, avec la collaboration du MINFOPRA.
En guise de remerciement, le Directeur Général de la NASLA, dans son propos a apprécié le travail abattu pour obtenir lesdits documents, et a promis d’en faire bon usage.
 Il est à noter que la NASLA avait été créée par décret du 02 mars 2022 par le Président de la République, afin de répondre aux besoins en quantité et qualité des ressources humaines des communautés territoriales décentralisées camerounaises dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la politique publique de la décentralisation. Le but poursuivi étant d’avoir une école spécifique capable de former et de perfectionner les catégories d’agents relevant de l’administration locale.
La remise des documents au Directeur Générale de la NASLA par le Secrétaire Général du MINFOPRA a mis fin à la cérémonie à laquelle prenait également part le Président du conseil d’administraion  de la NASLA et un parterre de responsables  de ladite école et du MINFOPRA.

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Pre-validation of the 2025 recruitment Plan: Officials of different administrations agree on  the road map

In prelude to the validation of the recruitment plan for 2025, Directors of Human Resources and General Affairs of different administrations of the Cameroonian Public Administration were invited by the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform for a two- day conference  themed "Streamlining recruitment within the Cameroonian Public Administration"  

The opening ceremony which took place today 30th September 2024 at Club- MINFOPRA was presided over by the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform, Joseph LE.

According to the MINFOPRA in his opening speech, following the prescriptions of the Head of State, President Paul BIYA on August 30th 2023, faced with the multiple constraints that no longer offer opportunities for massive recruitment within the Public Service and in order to meet the ever-increasing demands for personnel from the administrations, public authorities have opted to rationalize recruitment.

 Amongst others, the current works are organized to therefore take  consideration of the coherent needs for personnel expressed not only for vacant positions but also following the priorities of the  National Development Strategy (NDS-30), as well as the imperatives of sustainability and budgetary provisions.

Following the analysis of text, personnel files and organigrams of different administrations, it has been discovered that (27) administrations are under- staffed, (06) are over-staffed and only (01) is in equilibrium. It is hoped therefore that, the seminar will ensure that recruitments done should conform to the work post and also respect criterias put in place for recruitment.
Minister LE closed his speech by calling on the participants to carry out a careful needs assessment and should consider the well being of the public agent who constitutes the principal resource of the administration.

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 The official signing of an agreement relating the launch of a government platform for verifying the authenticity of parchments issued by universities, public and private administrations and institutions, today, October 1st, 2024, at the Higher Teacher Training College of Yaounde by MINFOPRA and MINESUP

An unusual day at the Higher Teacher Training College of Yaounde as members of government, Chancellors of state  Universities of Cameroon, students and the staff of the Higher Teacher Training College of Yaounde, gathered for the official ceremony of the launching of the platform to verify from MINFOPRA, the authenticity of certificates issued by Universities, Ministries, public and private institutions to state workers.

At exactly 10 am, the ceremony was launched at the esplanade of the HTTC of Yaounde, with the band of the Higher Teacher Training College, who sang the national anthem,  in some languages of Cameroon. Many walkers, taxis and street vendors stopped to glanced up at this wonderful performance. The participants immediately joined the room of procedures of the HTTC,  to proceed with the signing and exchange of parchments.

After the Rector of the University of Yaounde I’s, welcome speech, the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform, Joseph LE, made an intervention.  In his remarks, he described the project as a crucial step in our commitment to transparency and efficiency within our public administration. “I would like to sincerely thank the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, as well as the Rectors of our State Universities. Thank you for allowing this meeting to take place, which thus reflects the support and firm desire of the Chancellor of Academic Orders and University Authorities, to contribute to the success of the effective functionality of this platform for verifying the authenticity of diplomas. , and other academic titles.” Explained Minister Joseph LE.

The verification of the authenticity of diplomas is a requirement in the management of the careers of public officials by the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform (MINFOPRA). This includes the processing of career actions such as positions, promotions and recruitment, reclassification, for which the creation of files requires certification, authentication or presentation of the equivalence of the required diploma.

The exchange of initials between the two Members of the Government constituted the official launch of the government platform for verifying the authenticity of parchments issued by universities, public and private administrations and institutions. This government platform will allow, in just one click, to verify the authenticity or otherwise of the diploma of a future public official, a sine qua none condition for any integration into the State Public Service. This will significantly reduce the processing time for files at MINFOPRA level.

As a reminder, the Minister State, Minister of Higher Education Prof. Jacques FAME NDONGO, said in his remark that the government platform will allow, in just one click, to verify the authenticity or otherwise of the diploma of a future public official, a sine qua none condition for any integration into the State Civil Service. This will significantly reduce the processing time for files at MINFOPRA level.

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Rapid Results Initiative: Modernising  and securing   documentary heritage at MINFOPRA

This year we want to resolve the problem of preserving our archives. As you certainly know in most of our administrations, archives are poorly preserved. However, these are extremely important documents. It is the memory of a country, it is the memory of an administration. This is why it is good that we preserve these documents very well because they have an important historical value explained Joseph Le, Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform yesterday, at the  launching ceremony of the 15th series of the Rapid Results Initiative.The meeting that brought together officials from the National Anti-Corruption Commission, the Ministry of Arts and Culture and the Anti- Corruption Commission at MINFOPRA was themed  Improving the management of documentary resources at MINFOPRA

Today, the documentation office is saturated, with about 1,800,000 career management documents signed from 1966 to 2023. The lack of storage spaces, the saturation of shelves for the conservation of completed acts as of the year 2023 are some major challenges. This situation jeopardizes the long-term preservation and security of these documents, as well as the speed of documentary research, with a direct impact on the authentication of career management document. MINFOPRA also has amongst other  missions, the classification and conservation of completed career records of agents public, with a view to optimal satisfaction of users' requests for information.

The National Anti-Corruption Commission (CONAC) has launched the Rapid Results Initiative  in collaboration with government departments, inorder to significantly improve upon the performance of the various administrations and to certify the regularity of management in terms of monitoring procedures. This is a great contribution from CONAC,  to whom we say thank you because these Rapid Results Initiative permits us each year to solve what appears to be a bottleneck in the context of carrying out our missions Said Joseph LE.

Specifically, it will be:

➖ To set up office (117), for the transfer of career acts signed from 2023;

 ➖ To optimise the security of premises for storing completed career documents;

➖ To improve ergonomic working conditions;

➖ To acquire equipment for packaging procedures;

➖ To acquire storage furniture;

➖ To reorganize the documentation office (714);

➖ To reorganize the classification of career acts at the documentation office (714) from 1966 to 2022;

➖ To classify career records at 117 from 2023 to the present;

➖ To digitize career records;

➖ To acquire personal protective equipment;

➖ To transfer the scientific documentation to SCALOM,

➖To significantly reduce cases of corruption.

The Rapid Results Initiative, will be carried out at the Sub- department in charge of the Central Card and Documentation of MINFOPRA, and it will last for the next 100 days, from the date of launch Wednesday July 3 2024 uptill Thursday November 21, 2024.

MINFOPRA also has as prospects, the construction of an archives house  and the setting up of a new software for the logical management of human resources and the payroll. With these innovations, there will be an electronic management of data and a good securization of the physical documents, such that, even State agents  integrated into the public service in the 60s, 80s can have access to their documents.

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