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Official launch of competitive Examinations into the State Public Service: 2,685 spaces available


Recruitment into the State Public service has officially been launched. Job searchers and State workers desirous of incremental changes in grades in the State Public Service can now begin making steps towards securing their place in the 2685 spaces made available this year.

 In a press brief that took place today at the Ministry of the Public Service and Admnistrative Reform, the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform,  Joseph LE officially announced the launching of the government competitive examinations  season for the year 2023.

According to Minister LE, a total of 2,235 new staff will be recruited into the State Public Service through direct competitive examinations and selection test, while another 450 spaces have been reserved for civil servants who want to progress in their grades within the public service.

The distribution of places for new recruits considers: 1,210 openings for direct competitive examinations into the corps of (Agriculture, rural engineering, mining and geology, industrial techniques, water and forestry, civil engineering, livestock and maritime fishing, animal industries, public health, telecommunications techniques, revenue services, information technology and teleinformatics), 300 openings for training competitive examinations excluding ENAM, 275 openings for the recruitment of student civil servants for the mainstream sections of ENAM, 60 openings for the special recruitment of legal probationary and student court registrars for the common law ENAM, 290 spaces for State employees governed by the labour code by means of selection tests( environmentalists, executive secretaries, midwives, technical and vocational grade one teachers), and 100 places for the special recruitment of translators and senior translators-interpreters for which the final results were released on June 07th 2023.

Amongst others, some changes that can be mentioned for this year include: an increase in number of spaces as compared to last year's quota for direct and training competitive  examinations,  the reinstatement of professional competitive examinations for the change of grade within the public service and the registration fees which have increased from 15000 FCFA to 25000FCFA for   category A and B exams, and from 15000 FCFA to 20,000FCFA for category C and D exams, the age exemption for people with disabilities  increased to a maximum of 05years above the age limit set for each competitive examination.

In his concluding remarks, the Public Service boss called for vigilance on the part of postulants, precising that they can denounce any acts of corruption by contacting MINFOPRA’S anti-corruption unit on the e-mail Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. or Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. or use the toll free number:1522 or by mobile on 699645868/ 222 23 0285

It is worth noting that, in line with MINFOPRA’S agenda to digitize the recruitment process of government  competitive examinations candidates can register online using the address https:// and complementary information concerning government competitive examinations are available on MINFOPRA’S digital platforms  so access is guaranteed to candidates anywhere in the world.


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ILD 2023:MINFOPRA recognizes and honours it’s best workers


In the menu for this year's celebration of the International Labour Day, the  best workers  of MINFOPRA for the year 2022 have been publicly honoured and recompensed before the  officials and staff of the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative reform. They are 38 in number, men and women from all departments of the central services as well as the deconcentrated services of MINFOPRA.

Every year, the international labour day is celebrated to recognize the contributions  of workers to the development of societies world wide.  For this 137th edition themed “ resilience and decent work: working together in the world of work to improve living conditions and social inclusion" several activities were registered  on the menu of the Ministry of the Public service and Administrative reform.

Amongst others, to crown the match past which took place at the 20th May boulevard  this Monday  May 01, 2023, in the presence of the Minister of Labour and Social security, Gregoire OWONA and other members of government, MINFOPRA recognized and honoured its newly elected best staffs as well as the overall best staff, Mr PENDA NYAME Blaise, sub director in charge of established personnel in service at the department of  career management

The exercise for the election of the best workers of MINFOPRA was launched by Minister Joseph LE in 2022, with aim to  vote and honour the best workers of every department. Following specific criteria such as discipline, punctuality, work ardour, cleanliness etc, staff of different departments were encouraged to vote their best workers from the two categories( staff) and (agents). After the first level of votes by universal suffrage at departmental levels, those elected were then carefully  screened according to the pre-selected criteria and voted by top officials and directors of MINFOPRA. A last and definite level was the screening and final vote of the Minister who also had the discretion to choose the best worker overall.

Given that every worker also deserves motivation from hierarchy, certificates of recognition, cash prices of 50,000 – 500,000frs   as well as other Administrative benefits were given to compensate the best workers of all structures of  the central and deconcentrated services.

Speaking at the ceremony to celebrate this day,  the delegate of the personnel, Mme BO’O ZAGNA Marie Chantal expressed the request of MINFOPRA workers to the head of department and encouraged staff to respect rules of ethics and deontology of the Public Service and remain professional in the discharge of their duties.

In his speech, Minister Joseph LE congratulated the recipients and frowned at workers who have remained adamant in promoting bad practices, especially those who mishandle user’s career documents. He called upon all directors to be more vigilant and hit hard on bad workers. He warned that very drastic sanctions would henceforth be served to   staff who retard the treatment of files for more than 30 days or actively  participate in bribery and corruption and sale of public services to users.

Amongst others, he promised that following the speech of the delegate of personnel, the following have been considered in this year’s budget for the wellbeing of workers; the security of workers in central and deconcentrated services, provision of water and electricity in all offices, examination for the increment of incentives to augment motivation to workers, Rehabilitation and refurbishment of some work spaces etc. The ceremony ended in animations and reception.

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                                                Modernisation de la gestion des ressources humaines de l’Etat : Convergence de vue totale entre le MINFOPRA et le MINJUSTICE.


Le Ministre de la Fonction Publique et de la Réforme Administrative, M. Joseph LE et son collègue le Ministre d'État, Ministre de la Justice Garde des sceaux, Laurent ESSO se sont entretenus ce mardi 13 juin 2023 dans la salle de conférences du MINJUSTICE. Conduisant une délégation interministérielle, le Ministre Joseph LE a tout d'abord remercié son aîné le Ministre d'État pour l'intérêt qu'il porte à la modernisation de notre administration publique.


L'incontournable Maîtrise des effectifs....


Revenant dans le vif du sujet, le MINFOPRA a mentionné que  la mise en place de la cartographie des postes de travail vise à maîtriser les effectifs de la Fonction Publique Camerounaise, via  l'opération d'assainissement du fichier solde et personnels de l'État. En ce qui concerne le MINJUSTICE, le MINFOPRA a fait savoir que les équipes opérationnelles y travailleront sur la base de l'existant et ceci dans le respect des textes régissant les trois corps de métiers à statut spécial notamment les greffiers, l'administration pénitentiaire et la Magistrature qui échappent à la compétence du MINFOPRA. Cette opération est un préalable à la mise en place du nouveau SIGIPES qui ambitionne de mettre l'ensemble des administrations dans un même progiciel.


Plaidoyer pour l'actualisation  de l'organigramme du MINJUSTICE....


Le Ministre d'État, Ministre de la Justice Garde des sceaux, Laurent ESSO après avoir félicité la démarche entreprise par le MINFOPRA, a présenté les missions régaliennes du département  ministériel dont il a la charge. Par la suite, il a plaidé pour une refonte de l'organigramme du MINJUSTICE afin de mieux s'adapter aux contextes et enjeux actuels dans le but de s'acquitter pleinement des missions à eux confiées par le CHEF DE L'ÉTAT, S.E PAUL BIYA, garant de l'indépendance du pouvoir judiciaire


Un groupe de travail conduit par les secrétaires généraux des deux ministères a été mis sur pied. Il aura pour mission de faire des propositions concrètes pour un meilleur déroulement de la mise en œuvre de la cartographie des postes de travail dans cette administration de souveraineté. La séance de travail s'est achevée par une visite guidée dans la bibliothèque du MINJUSTICE qui compte à ce jour à peu près 2500 ouvrages sur les domaines du droit en général./-

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ILD 2023 At MINFOPRA: Activities continue with an Educational Talk

In prelude to the upcoming 137th edition of the international Labour Day, the Ministry of the public service and administrative reform, organized an educational talk today, to raise awareness on issues of resilience, decent work and stress in the workplace

"Moving from fragility to resilience through decent work", "stress in the workplace, the mental and psychological well-being of the worker”, were the two exposés which were presented today 28th April 2023 during an educational talk organized as part of the week-long activities marking  the International Labour Day, under the theme «safety and health at work is essential for social justice »

As early as 10:16am, the talk was launched, under the chairmanship of the Secretary General of MINFOPRA. The Regional Inspector of work number 3 for the Centre, FOUGNIGNI LIETMBOUO Emmanuel who was the first to present, exposed on how to deal with the situation of fragility, as well as how to face the daily shocks at work and the rights of workers. *« A worker is not to be harassed or discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), national origin, disability, age (40 or older) or genetic information including family medical history and receive equal pay for equal work»* he explained.

He equally laid emphasis on the role of social dialogue in the workplace to improve working conditions. Social dialogue is done through the staff representative who plays the role of transition between employers and employees, the advancement committee and the disciplinary board.

The Manager in security and health at work  MEDJENG ELOUNG Estelle focused her presentation on stress in the workplace. At the start of her talk, she gave the definition of the psychological well-being at work. « Psychological well-being at work can be defined as a positive subjective experience where one tends to express the best of oneself and which is built through oneself, through one's social relations at work and in interactions with one's organization » she said.

Mme Estelle ELOUNG, went further to give the causes of stress, the stressors and the types of stress.

 As is the tradition during conferences, the aforementioned presentations gave rise to a question and answer session during which participants posed different questions to  clarify their notion of the things presented by the experts. The talk eventually came to an end with the closing remarks of the Secretary general of MINFOPRA, Mr Maina ANATOLE encouraging all workers of MINFOPRA to more probity in their work and assuring them of the head of department, Minister Joseph LE's support to their well being at the workplace.


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