PROCESSING OF TEACHER'S FILES: MINFOPRA completes his tour in an exhaustive Press brief.
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PROCESSING OF TEACHER'S FILES: MINFOPRA completes his tour in an exhaustive Press brief.
20 days of face-to-face communication between Minister Joseph LE, and the students and officials of the HTTC and HTTTCs of the country ended yesterday in a press brief to the attention of teachers and the general public on MINFOPRA's implementation of the presidential new deal.
From now on I think I can say that the young graduate will no longer wait beyond 90 days before being integrated or having his service number_...( Joseph LE, Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform).
This is the main thing to remember from the words of the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform Mr. Joseph LE, at the 7 Teacher Training Colleges of the country. This tour which began on the 16th of March ended on April 4, 2022 at the amphitheatre 300, of the Yaoundé Teachers Training College. The aim of this tour, was to communicate on the new measures to ease the procedure for processing teachers' files.
In his speech to the students and officials of the Yaoundé HTTC, Minister Joseph LE, specified that the documents which they had already provided during their entrance examination into the Higher Teachers Training College, will also be used for the treatment of their integration file. An example is the certificate of non conviction which often takes a lot of their time and of energy. He also invited the officials and students of the HTTC and HTTTC during their working session to begin, if this is not yet the case, the authentication of the diplomas of future graduates and at the same time, the constitution of their integration files.
To crown this epic tour, the MINFOPRA took the floor yesterday on a press brief to explain the actions that have been taken by his Ministry to execute the President's instructions owing to the Teacher's crisis which began last February 2022.
According to Minister LE, solutions have been made for the 2 things which pose the major bottle necks in the treatment of Teacher's files;
1- The authentication of Teacher's diplomas with delays in receiving responses from government departments and institutions issuing them. As solution, MINFOPRA has decided to start the process as soon as the successful candidate enters the first year of their training.
Also an initial budgetary provision within the framework of the 2022 financial year has been made to enable MINFOPRA acquire a software specially dedicated to the authentication of certificates in collaboration with MINFOPRA, MINESUP, MINESEC, MINEDUB, MINSANTE and all other government services and institutions issuing certificates in Cameroon.
2- the other problem identified concerns the constitution and forwarding of absorption files of graduates of the HTTC. To solve the problem, the files must now be completed 3 or 6 months before the end of their training. These files will be immediately forwarded to MINFOPRA regional delegations which will digitise the constituent documents of the said files, from whence they will be recorded in the computerised System for Integrated Management of the State Personnel and Payroll (SIGIPES) to ensure traceability and their immediate transmission to the department of Career Management in the central services. The Department of States Human resources will simultaneously establish certificates of assumption of duty which shall be enclosed directly in the absorption files received from the regional delegations. In total the absorption file of a young graduate from the HTTC which used to take 25- 30 months to reach MINFOPRA will take barely one day and they will only have to wait for 90 days instead of 2 - 3 years to receive their service numbers and absorption decisions.
Concerning statistics of the documents treated within the context of the Rapid Results Initiative, launched last 3rd March to treat over 8000 teacher files in 15days, the MINFOPRA noted that over 17, 143 files were received instead of the initial 8000 and from these, 4, 885 service numbers were generated and 2,784 draft decrees have been forwarded to the Prime Minister's office for signature.
While ending his speech at the end of the Press briefing, Minister LE said brainstorming is ongoing with MINESUP to come up with projects for best conduct to adopt for the corresponding activities that now bind the two ministries. Plans are also being made to continue to intensify and digitalize the absorption files of the HTTC and HTTTC graduates.
MINFOPRA sympathises with "Hamidou's family "
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MINFOPRA sympathises with "Hamidou's family "
After the sad demise of Hamidou, the Sport and physical education teacher who died two days after his long awaited integration document was signed, Joseph LE visited his family over the weekend to comfort and convey the head of State's condolence message to them.
He was called "Hamidou".
The Sports and Physical education teacher of the "lycée de Beka" in the North region who joined the current teacher's strike to decry his pending documents which had not been signed by the Public service since 2010.
Upon getting news of this teacher's situation recently , the MINFOPRA immediately reacted by reaching him on phone . The conversation ended rather amicably as it was deduced that the late Hamidou's documents were delayed because of incomplete files. Once he sent the elements to complete his file, rapid measures were immediately taken to salvage his situation and sign his integration documents. Two days after the integration documents were signed alongside a congratulatory letter addressed to the deceased for showing proof of resilience on his job despite his condition, he unfortunately passed away.
Following Hamidou's sad demise, Minister Joseph LE and some of his collaborators, travelled to Garoua over the weekend to comfort his widow Mme BETKEMDOU Florance and the family and to convey the condolence message of the Head of State.
Upon meeting up with a delegation of the family of the deceased, including the widow, Minister LE handed over all documents of the deceased to the widow.
These documents which include, his integration act as well as the regularization of his arrears would permit the widow to gain possession of his pension. In addition to this, he told the widow not to bother to travel to Yaoundé to follow
up on the documents as the regional delegate of MINFOPRA for the North region had been instructed to handle it.
In response to Minister LE's message, the head of the family Mr ROSKOU Richard thanked the Minister for the kind gesture which brought comfort to the family and on behalf of the family thanked the Head of State and government of the Republic. While talking to the press, Minister LE ended his visit by promising to take all measures together with the Minister of Secondary Education, Prof. Pauline Nalova LYONGA to ensure that the rightful claimants can fully benefit of their rights.
MAFOR NEH Daizy Diane
Assistant Research Officer No2/ CELCOM/ MINFOPRA
TEACHERS’ CRISIS: The messenger of the Head of State Minister Joseph LE, at Maroua Teachers Training College.
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TEACHERS’ CRISIS: The messenger of the Head of State Minister Joseph LE, at Maroua Teachers Training College.
With the Secretary General and some Directors of MINFOPRA, Minister LE, was welcomed at the Amphitheater 500 of the Maroua Higher Teachers Training College yesterday, to relay the new Presidential measures which will solve the delays in the treatment of Teachers’ Integration Files.
Minister LE's working visit continued in Maroua yesterday. It was with a view to raising awareness and explaining the new measures of the Head of State, that opt for the rapid treatment of Teacher's files. At his arrival, Minister Joseph LE and his suit were hosted at Kongola-Djoulgouf-Kodef campus, by the rector of the University of Maroua Prof. Idrissou ALLIOUM. After appreciating the Minister for his presence, he informed him that that 794 students will graduate from the HTTC of Maroua this end of year and hence, they will be able to benefit from this new instructions of the Head of State.
In his speech, Minister Joseph LE announced that, the documents of the graduates will henceforth be treated directly at the regional delegation of MINFOPRA in Maroua town. _ « The files of the graduates will no longer have to travel the 1500km from Maroua to Yaoundé, they will now leave here for the regional delegation of Minfopra here in Maroua._ » said Minister LE.
Moreover, he specified that, some of the documents which they had already provided during their entrance examination into the Higher Teacher's Training school will also be used for the treatment of their integration file. An example is the certificate of non conviction which often takes a lot of their time and of energy.
By the end of his speech, the students and officials retorted with applaudes afterwhich questions were posed for more clarifications.
After shedding light on the questions, the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform reassured the students of MINFOPRA’s engagement to making the instructions of the Head of State a reality in days ahead. « Dear teachers, the glimmer of hope is not far away, tomorrow more than ever you will be very moved » he mentioned.
Before closing the working visit, MINFOPRA’s delegation stopped at the regional delegation of MINFOPRA for the Far North. Once there, he addressed his collaborators and warned them against introducing inaccurate data in the digitalization system given that, henceforth, the regional delegation of MINFOPRA for the Far North, will digitalize the files of HTTC graduates and transmit to Yaoundé. In addition, instructions were also given to the regional delegate for the Far North, to organize a capacity-building seminar for future graduates, with the aim
of informing them about the new Presidential measures.
After all the above mentioned, the Minister and his suit left the teachers, officials and students of the Far North region in total joy and celebration.
MBAL Linda/ Journalist/ Communication Unit MINFOPRA
TEACHER'S CRISIS: Minister Joseph LE’s visit to the East region, to explain the new guidelines for processing Teacher's Integration Files.
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TEACHER'S CRISIS: Minister Joseph LE’s visit to the East region, to explain the new guidelines for processing Teacher's Integration Files.
The East region of Cameroon, on March 23rd 2022, welcomed the new Presidential measures which will reduce the delays in the treatment of Teachers’ Integration Files, at the Higher Teachers College of Bertoua.
The new procedure of treatment of Teachers’ Integration files will pass from 30 months to 3months.
The above mentioned is the essential message of the President of the Republic of Cameroon H.E President Paul BIYA, delivered by the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform Minister Joseph LE, to the population of the East region. Accompanied by a delegation of the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform, Minister Joseph LE was welcomed by the governor of the East region, Gregoire MVONGO, the Senior Divisional Officer of Lom and Djerem, the President of the East Regional Council, the Mayor of the city of Bertoua and the Regional Delegate of MINFOPRA East, as well as the academic staff and student of the Higher Teacher's Training College(HTTC) Bertoua.
In his opening remarks, the Minister announced that some of the grievances raised by the Director of the HTTC Bertoua, Prof. MINGOAS KILEKOUNG Jean-Pierre will be answered this budget year with the beginning of the construction of the buildings of the University of Bertoua. The student reacted to these news by applauds to greet the strong gesture of the Head of State and they posed questions to get more clarifications from Minister Joseph LE.
After responding to the questions of the students, the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform reassured them of MINFOPRA’s engagement to making the instructions of the Head of State a reality in the days ahead. At the end of this working visit to the East province, Minister Joseph LE made a stop at the regional delegation of MINFOPRA for the East, to check its ability to process teacher's integration files. During the exchange between the Minister and his collaborators of the regional delegation of MINFOPRA East, Minister Joseph LE, observed that 500 files of the graduates of the TeachersTraining College Bertoua could be digitized, in 1 hour, and later transmitted to Yaounde for processing.
At the end of his working visit, Minister Joseph LE left the Teachers, officials of the East region and Student's milieu in total celebration manifested by the singing and dancing of folkloric rythmes.
- Mise en œuvre des directives présidentielles : Joseph LE édifie les responsables et enseignants de l’ENSET d’Ebolowa sur la nouvelle donne
- MINFOPRA Caravan : Joseph LE shares the good news with the teacher's community of the South West region.
- MINFOPRA: goodwill ambassador of the Head of State's instructions to the HTTTC Douala
- OTS-Mise en œuvre des Directives Présidentielles: les solutions durables du MINFOPRA