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TEACHER'S CRISIS: Minister Joseph LE’s visit to the East region, to explain the new guidelines for processing Teacher's Integration Files.

The East region of Cameroon, on March 23rd 2022, welcomed the new Presidential measures which will reduce the delays in the treatment of Teachers’ Integration Files, at the Higher Teachers College of Bertoua.
The new procedure of treatment of Teachers’ Integration files will pass from 30 months to 3months.

The  above mentioned is the essential message of the President of the Republic of Cameroon H.E President Paul BIYA, delivered by the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform Minister Joseph LE, to the population of the East region. Accompanied by a delegation of the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform, Minister Joseph LE was welcomed by the governor of the East region, Gregoire MVONGO, the Senior Divisional Officer  of Lom and Djerem, the President of the East Regional Council, the Mayor of the city of Bertoua and the Regional Delegate of MINFOPRA East, as well as the academic staff and student of the Higher Teacher's Training College(HTTC) Bertoua.

In his opening remarks, the Minister  announced that some of the grievances raised by the Director of the HTTC Bertoua, Prof. MINGOAS KILEKOUNG Jean-Pierre will be answered this budget year with the beginning of the construction of the buildings of the University of Bertoua. The student reacted to these news by applauds to greet the strong gesture of the Head of State and they posed questions to get  more clarifications from Minister Joseph LE.

After responding to the questions of the students, the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform reassured them of MINFOPRA’s engagement to making the instructions of the Head of State a reality in the days ahead. At the end of this working visit to the East province, Minister Joseph LE made a stop at the regional delegation of MINFOPRA for the East, to check its ability to process teacher's integration files. During the exchange between the Minister and his collaborators of the regional delegation of MINFOPRA East, Minister Joseph LE, observed that 500 files of the graduates of the TeachersTraining College Bertoua  could be digitized, in 1 hour, and later  transmitted to  Yaounde for processing.

At the end of his working visit, Minister Joseph LE left the Teachers, officials of the East region and Student's milieu in total celebration manifested by the singing and dancing of folkloric rythmes.


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MINFOPRA Caravan : Joseph LE shares the good news with the teacher's community of the South West region.

The MINFOPRA caravan landed on the mountain tops of Buea today. It was about bringing glad tidings on the Head of State's message to the teacher's community of Buea and Kumba.

After the university of Douala yesterday, the MINFOPRA caravan journeyed to the South West region today to also explain MINFOPRA's role in the execution of the instructions of the head of State, aimed at reducing deadlines in the treatment of teacher's files.

After the reception of the governor of the South West region, Bernard Okalia BILAI and the vice chancellor of the university of Buea, Professor NGOMO Horace MANGA and other Administrative and academic authorities of the South West region, Minister Joseph LE took the floor at the university of Buea, to explain the reasons for his August visit.

Animated by the spirit of devotion to his work and to the head of State's instructions, Minister LE told  the academicians  that the new procedures aims at reducing the processing time of absorption and or reclassification files of Higher Teacher's Training College ()HTTC and Higher Technical Teacher's Training College (HTTTC) graduates.

 It shall hence  include:
- the authentication of diplomas and where applicable, their equivalence, latest from the year of training of successful candidates as well as,

 - the constitution of absorption files by candidates concerned atleast three months before the end of their training.

The new procedure will therefore mean that teacher's documents while in training and  upon graduation will be under follow up and transfered for immediate treatment by MINFOPRA upon graduation, such that a short time after graduation their integration documents into the Public service would be readily available.

After his brilliant exposé warmly appreciated by the teacher's community of the university of Buea and the HTTTC of kumba, the Minister answered some pertinent questions on the subject matter and other related matters before moving over to visit the regional delegation of MINFOPRA for the South West region.

 In the same spirit of inspecting capacities of his regional delegations to effectively carry out the head of State's new instructions, Mnister LE went through the facility and equipments and saw that the regional delegation was ready to commence reception and transmission of teacher's files as expected.

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Mise en œuvre des directives présidentielles  : Joseph LE édifie les responsables et enseignants de l’ENSET d’Ebolowa sur la nouvelle donne


Comme à Douala et Buéa les dossiers de l‘École Normale d’Enseignement Technique d’Ebolowa seront directement transmis au MINFOPRA pour traitement où ils aboutiront dans un délai de trois mois au plus. Aussi, l’organisation des concours d’entrée dans les ENS et les ENSET sera désormais conduite par le Ministère de la Fonction Publique et de la Réforme Administrative, principal gestionnaire des Ressources Humaines de l’Etat. Telle est la quintessence du message porté par le MINFOPRA à Ebolowa.

La salle de réunion de l’ENSET d’Ebolowa a accueilli les autorités administratives de la ville, les responsables et étudiants de l’ENSET ce lundi 21 mars 2022,  pour cet échange riche en informations.  Après avoir rappelé à l’assistance les points sur lesquels le MINFOPRA est interpellé à agir, Joseph LE, a tout de suite présenté son plan d’actions, dont la mise en œuvre à travers les Initiatives à Résultat Rapide (IRR) initiées le 03 mars 2022 est déjà engagée.

S’agissant de l’organisation des concours d’entrée dans les ENS et ENSET, l’ambassadeur de bonnes nouvelles indique, que  des réflexions au sujet de la bonne conduite des activités  y relatives sont en cours avec le Ministère des Enseignements Secondaires.

La phase question réponse, permettra au MINFOPRA de bien expliquer que, désormais la prise de service qui était faite au MINESEC, se Zita fera au MINFOPRA, qui par la suite  s’occupera de la mise à disposition de l’institution utilisatrice, telle que prévue par la réglementation en vigueur.

Un tour à la Délégation Régionale du MINFOPRA, donnera l'occasion à l’homme de terrain d’apprécier la qualité des équipements, qui serviront à  la numérisation des dossiers des enseignants diplômés de l’ENSET d’Ebolowa, pour leur acheminement vers Yaoundé. Le message adressé à ses collaborateurs est le même que celui dans les autres régions. Entre autres, le respect de l’éthique et de la déontologie professionnelle. D’après lui, cet état d’esprit participera d’avantage à la dématérialisation et la simplification des procédures telles que prescrites par le Chef de l’Etat S.E Paul BIYA. C’est sur une note de satisfaction que la caravane du MINFOPRA a quitté la ville d’Ebolowa.



Journaliste/ Cadre CELCOM/ MINFOPRA

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MINFOPRA: goodwill ambassador of the Head of State's instructions to the HTTTC Douala

As of date, college technical teachers would no longer have to wait for 30 months after graduation for their integration or contractualization documents to be treated. Procedures have been reduced, deadlines have been shortened.

This good news is the message that animated  Minister Joseph LE's visit to the Higher Teacher's Training College in Douala yesterday 16th March 2022.

In presence of Prof. Magloire ONDOUA, rector of the University of Douala and other administrative as well as academic authorities who welcomed him and his four- man delegation composed of the Director in charge of State human resources, the Director in-charge of Career management and the Director in- charge of Computer Systems, Minister LE  explained MINFOPRA's readiness and  engagement to carry out the Head of State's instructions to the latter.
This instruction which has to do with systematizing the compiling of integration files for teachers before the end of their training by both the interested parties and the institutions to which they are affiliated is aimed at reducing deadlines in the treatment of teacher's integration or contractualization  files from 30 months to 3 months.

According to Minister LE, the student teachers would no longer suffer to transition their files from the Ministry of Higher Education (MINESUP) to the Ministry of Secondary Education ( MINESEC), before the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform (MINFOPRA). It will henceforth leave from ENSET to the regional delegations of MINFOPRA or central services of MINFOPRA where treatment will commence effectively.

After his buoyant visit saluted by the technical teachers' community and their Directors, he made a stop at the regional delegation of the Littoral to inspect equipments and ensure dispositions are rightly taken to effectively commence the reception and transmission of  teacher's files for treatment in MINFOPRA central services in Yaoundé.

This message of hope is the beginning of government's engagements towards teacher's grievances, and it will  certainly go through other regions  with Minister Joseph LE as the goodwill ambassador.

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